Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Day in the Life

This is a series of entries that will describe my life at different points of time during my stay in Haiti.
Pt. 1: Probation: Summary of my days from April 9-April 22
0530-0700: Ignore the noise of people around me getting up to shower, do rounds, etc. (assuming no one has shaken me awake to get into the supply room
0700-0730: Alarm goes off. Roll out of bed. Wash my face, change into pants, eat a bar for breakfast, fill up the water bottle, and scavenge for some powdered drink to mix in my water.
0730-0745: Morning meeting with all the foreign volunteers. Includes worship thought and announcements of the day
0745-0800: Give the keys to “Awall”, hug Claude, talk to Brooke/Alex/Dr. Jack
0800-0805: Go to the supply room and greet everyone in Creole. (I’d type a transcript but I’d butcher the spelling)
0805-1230: Start by scrambling to get people their daily needs. Settle down and begin sorting/organizing/consolidating/send/deliver supplies. Periodically check in on the other rooms.
1230-1330: Go upstairs in search of food. Socialize/check my computer/nap while waiting 15-30 min for food to show up. Split a meal with Rebekah Peigols. Relax.
1330-1730: Back to the grind in the supply room.
1730-1800: Things start winding down, check the oxygen, chat with the workers.
1800-2300: Head upstairs, chill on the roof, talk to fellow volunteers, find something to eat, spend too much time on the internet checking Facebook, email, NBA stuff, etc., listen to Dallas’s depressing music as he works on his video, shower and get ready for bed.
2300-0530: SLEEP (unless I’m shaken awake for the keys)

Two weeks in, the probation period is over. Time for the real work to begin.

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