Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 2

Yesterday I wished for Spanish, today I got it, and French, and Greek, and Arabic! I spent most of my time today in the medicine room of the Central Supply Depot. We went through boxes and boxes of random donated medicine and tried our best to sort them and put them on the shelves. I’m no medical professional so it would have been hard enough trying to figure out medicines and what they do, but the majority of the medicines weren’t in English. The vast majority was in Spanish and French! It was super slow going. It was also frustrating that people send sample packs of drugs. What do they expect us to do? (depending on how you look at it) Worst case scenario we give a patient the drugs, they work, but then we have no more.
Toward noon we moved on to finding and sorting medicines that we had in bulk. Meds that made the medal stand? Bronze: triple anti-biotic cream; Silver: amoxicillin; Gold: general pain killers (Tylenol, ibuprofen, etc).
In the afternoon, I started to tackle the boxes of supplies on the spiral ramp. Big task! Hopefully it’ll get done in the time I’m here.
To all the LSU people, hope Festival of Nations went well! REVO in one week!!!!!!!! For everyone who doesn’t know what REVO is check it out: (@Jaylene I accept your thanks for the free advertising).
The LLU contingency arrived today. They spent most of their time in meetings but they did tour the hospital. Both Dr. Hart and Jerry Daly didn’t recognize me without my hair. Special thanks to Dr. Hart for bringing me a contact case and solution. Now if I could only get my other bag (hopes are dwindling).
I really need to shower. Weekend's over, busy week to come? We’ll see.

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