Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Hasta la vista

Yesterday was a long/crazy day, even for a Monday. I'd tell you all about it but due to some issues with my computer that would take forever since I'm typing on a BlackBerry. I'm sending it home next week and hopefully it'll get fixed and sent back to me. Until then, minimal (if any) blogging or Facebook. Email me (drharris0823@gmail.com to get in touch.
Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. I am going to miss your blog while it is down, David. Time has flown by and it won't be long until you are stateside permanently. What will Hopital Adventiste do without the supply "wonder man"? If it was in Haiti, you could find it for us. Thanks for what you do to make this world, most importantly Haiti, a better place!
