Thursday, July 22, 2010

Best day ever?

Eh, probably not, but considering I was sick in bed, desperately trying to sleep all yesterday (24-hour ish flu worries), so today was definitely an improvement. I also felt that today was one of my more productive days. I know it wasn't and central supply doesn't look like it (I was reorganizing gauze...exciting stuff) when , but it felt good. I attribute it to feeling NOT sick and listening to my iPod for the 1st time in MONTHS. If you're my friend on Facebook and saw my status the other day about "enjoying the small new guitar strings" the feeling is similar. Although iPods are not as simple as guitar strings, it brought me great enjoyment. I realized that I hadn't listened to my own music for a looooooooooooooooooong time (especially since I don't have MY computer :/ ). Skillet, TFK, David Crowder, etc. never made me smile so much.

Also Charles from Project Hope brought food! Rice, fish, and lasagna Haitian style. YUM!

Next time: SPECIAL GUEST BLOGGER!!! (it'll be up as soon as he/she starts...uh...I mean, finishes writing!)


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